When Do You Know You Havr Twins

signs of twin pregnancy

The Signs of Twin Pregnancy

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Early Signs of your Twin Pregnancy

Early Signs of your Twin Pregnancy

Early Signs of your Twin Pregnancy

You lot're starting to experience crampy, but your period hasn't arrived. You're having frequent urination, chest tenderness, your eye rate feels off, and you just have a nagging feeling that something is off. Could it be?? Yous have a habitation pregnancy test, and BOOM! Yous're significant! YAY!! Congratulations!! But this pregnancy feels… unlike. You can't put your finger on it, but you take a feeling that you may exist having twin babies. At this point, you have no proof that you lot're having twins and you lot can't say you are really experiencing twin pregnancy symptoms over regular singleton pregnancy symptoms, merely are there signs of twin pregnancy that you should know most?

What are the earliest signs of twin pregnancy?

There are many signs of twin pregnancy, some of which tin be the aforementioned as those for a single babe and others that may be different. But how tin y'all know for sure if you are significant with twins? Here are vii signs that you may be pregnant with twins.

#ane You have characteristics that increase the odds of twins

Does your aunt mention that you lot have to "be careful" at every family gathering because "twins run in the family"? This is a sign that the women in your family are decumbent to hyperovulation, which means they release more 1 egg during ovulation. If you lot already have congenial twins in your family, the odds of you having congenial twins are greater than for the average person.

Only having a family unit history of twins just relates to fraternal twins, not identical twins. Identical twins are random and have cipher to do with your genetic history. Your chances of having identical twins are the aforementioned as every other woman's in the world: one in 250.

If you are reaching your mid-to-tardily 30s or beyond, you may also be more at risk of getting pregnant with twins. As fertility declines with increasing age, you are more likely to release multiple eggs in a given ovulation cycle. This increases the hazard factors of having twins.

Now, don't panic! While there is a higher hazard of yous conceiving twins if yous have these characteristics, information technology doesn't hateful that you lot admittedly volition excogitate fraternal twins. It just means that the odds are more meaning than with well-nigh people.

woman getting a blood test draw

#2 Yous have elevated hCG or AFP levels

One of the earliest signs that you may be pregnant with twins is elevated hCG levels. hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is the pregnancy hormone that your body releases after conception. AFP is another protein that your body releases during pregnancy, and it helps the placenta to develop properly. The protein makes a pregnancy test turn positive and tin can be detected in your urine as early on as six days after conception. The likelihood of a multiples pregnancy increases with higher hCG values. AFP levels volition also exist higher in women who are pregnant with twins; this can exist adamant only by an AFP examination.

#3 You lot feel fetal move early on and oft

Another early sign that y'all might be pregnant with twins is that you feel fetal movement early on and oftentimes. Fetal movement is dissimilar for each pregnancy, so don't worry if y'all are not feeling the babies move. If it is a singleton pregnancy, the first movement can come as early on as 17-xix weeks or as belatedly every bit 24 weeks of pregnancy. For twins, the showtime movement is likely to exist between 12-24 weeks of pregnancy. Of course, by then you have probably already confirmed twins past ultrasound and non just twin pregnancy symptoms.

woman 19 weeks pregnant with twins

#4 Measuring alee

One sign that you may have 2 buns in the oven is your belly may exist growing much faster than your due engagement. If y'all haven't had a chance to have your abdomen measured, enquire your doctor or midwife if it's safe for them to practise so. Your provider may be able to gauge how big the babies are past measuring your abdomen, even though they won't be using an ultrasound until later in pregnancy to ostend that at that place are actually two babies in there.

#5 More than morning sickness

If yous have been experiencing severe nausea (aka morning sickness) for longer than 14 weeks, this may be an early on sign that you're expecting more than one baby. Forenoon sickness is a side effect of elevated hCG levels and in many cases, leading upwardly to the 14-week mark, your hCG levels are increasing. Nonetheless, if y'all are having morning sickness that lasts beyond the 14th calendar week of pregnancy, information technology tin be a sign of twins or another pregnancy complication. Single pregnancies don't typically feel the pregnancy symptom of lingering forenoon sickness in the second trimester unless the pregnant woman is suffering from severe forenoon sickness known every bit hyperemesis gravidarum.

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In What to Do When You're Having Two: The Twins Survival Guide from Pregnancy Through the Start Twelvemonth, national twins guru and founder of Twiniversity (and twin mom herself!) Natalie Diaz provides a no-holds-barred resources nearly life with twins, from pregnancy and nascence all the way through your duo'southward commencement year of life. BUY At present

#6 Severe fatigue

Having a hard time keeping your eyes open? Astringent fatigue during the first trimester may be a sign that you are pregnant with twins. Some women complain of feeling lethargic and tired during their entire pregnancy, just in cases of multiple pregnancies, information technology is more mutual to experience severely fatigued early on. This is because your body needs more than residual due to the extra energy your body is called-for to create two babies. Sneaking in naps throughout the day and making sure to go to bed early each night is how you can deal with this fatigue.

woman holding baby booties with a small pregnant belly

#7 Showing early

If you are showing early on, it's possible that y'all are pregnant with twins. Some women never testify at all, or only show a little chip during their get-go trimester. Many pregnant twin moms start transitioning to maternity clothes around 10 weeks considering it's also uncomfortable to wear their jeans and pants. Information technology'southward non uncommon to need a larger bra and size upward in your pre-pregnancy shirts during the first trimester with twins.

However, not all women experience a rapid weight gain with twin pregnancies. If you are experiencing bad heartburn or farthermost nausea, you may exist having a hard time keeping food downward, which may pb to weight loss. Talk to your doctor if this is the example because you may exist able to get some pregnancy-prophylactic medication to help with those symptoms.

You have a sneaking suspicion

Sometimes you have no twin pregnancy symptoms; you merely accept a sneaking suspicion. Information technology's really quite common to believe that you might be significant with twins based on your intuition even if there are no early signs of twin pregnancy. If you lot got a positive home pregnancy test, call your healthcare provider to get in for a blood test and ultrasound every bit before long equally possible to ostend (or disprove) your suspicions.

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How twin pregnancies are confirmed

The merely way to know if you are truly pregnant with twins is with an ultrasound scan, typically performed in the first trimester of pregnancy. When you lot run into with your md or midwife for an early prenatal visit (usually washed vii to 8 weeks from the outset day of your final menstrual menstruation), they will perform a pelvic exam and an ultrasound to ostend the number of babies. If both a pelvic examination and ultrasound evidence 2 fetuses, you are officially diagnosed as being pregnant with twins! Nosotros recommend that y'all bring in your partner and have them look at the ultrasound images with you so you can get the news at the same time.

If you lot are going through fertility treatments with a reproductive endocrinologist, yous may detect out that you are significant with twins earlier. Afterwards your treatment ends, your doctor will order a blood test for hCG levels. A quantitative hCG (Q-hCG) test (also known as a beta test) is more sensitive and will selection up lower levels of hCG in your body than what can be detected by an early pregnancy test kit. If the results come dorsum positive, yous'll exist scheduled for a second claret test a few days later on to ensure the numbers are ascension appropriately. If the numbers are rising, yous'll exist scheduled for a vaginal ultrasound within a week or two and at that appointment, your dr. volition be able to see if you're having twins.

From increased morning time sickness or fatigue lasting xiv weeks into your pregnancy to measuring ahead earlier than expected, there are many indications that you might be pregnant with twins. If yous plan on getting pregnant before long, consider these factors so that y'all can prepare for conveying two babies at one time!

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Pregnant with twins and non sure where to starting time? Visit the Ultimate Twin Pregnancy Guide to observe all the top articles and resources to get you ready for twins. While you're at it, check out our expecting twin classes and Twiniversity store!


Source: https://www.twiniversity.com/2021/08/7-signs-of-twin-pregnancy-you-should-know/

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